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Functional Training

 People want to be able to perform everyday tasks without impediment. I will help people of all ages be able to perform functionally by designing a program that will focus on those areas affected by increasing that functionality.


I will develop a program that can take a person from sedentary to cardiovascular fitness with just a few simple exercises. You will increase your energy, feel better, and have greater endurance to meet those everyday tasks. 


Resistance training is a form of exercise that aids in muscle contraction against an outside force (resistance). Resistance training results in hypertrophy (an increase in the girth of the muscle). A person can lose cellular and organ size without such training.

Core Training

Just about all body movement involves the core or abs.  Strengthening the core is paramount to effective fitness training. I provide several core exercises that will work all aspects of the abdominal area. These exercise are safe, fun, and effective. 


A person can prevent and overcome many of these ailments by simply taking time to stretch. It is essential to utilize the full range of motion of our limbs and other moving body parts. The process by which the body achieves full range of motion (ROM) is through flexibility.

Martial Arts

The martial art that I do, Universal Martial Art, is effective in attaining cardiovascular fitness, strength, and flexibility. These are the areas most people look to condition. Universal Martial Art is very effective and easy to use in there is no need for machines, weights, or gyms.

“As a Personal Trainer, I can guide and motivate you toward a better life; I cannot train or coach you to have the will to want a better life. The decision begins with you.”

Charlie Spence, 

Certified Personal Trainer

Try C Spence Lifestyle Management for yourself,

For More Information, Please Call 

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