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Charlie Spence


Charlie's Short Bio...

As a person who has been in the health and fitness industry for over two decades, I bring a wealth of experience to the industry. I have a thorough knowledge of fitness assessments, functional development, human anatomy, kinesiology, biomechanics, and fitness program development. I also have over two decades of customer service, rapport building, management, and team building. Given the opportunity, I will prove to be a valuable and effective force in your lifestyle management and wellness. I provide a unique approach to personal training by incorporating martial art techniques into the fitness regimen for optimal health and fitness.


Using martial arts to achieve physical fitness is a highly effective tool for that purpose. My clients not only find it effective but also fun and rewarding. This is something that people of all ages can utilize as it is safe, does not require weights or any such equipment, and does not require a gym membership. Personal training that utilizes martial arts is a new and effective way to get people the wellness they need and deserve.

Top 3 Reasons To Hire A Personal Trainer

Customized Program

Most people that have fitness goals do not know what to do never mind how to even get started. A personal trainer will work with you to develop a program that is safe and effective in helping to meet your goals. 


A personal trainer will help you to stay on track, and ensure that short-term goals are met and that the exercises are performed correctly. Also, the trainer will provide the motivation necessary to get you to a sustainable state of exercise and self-efficacy.


The personal trainer will know how to get you where you want to be as far as your goals are concerned. The personal trainer is just as vested in your success as you are because his or her own reputation is on the line.

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